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Temporary Setup and First Roast!!!


I'm going to be roasting in my garage most of the time. Here is a little desk setup I used to fire my Huky up for the first time. It worked ok, but I need to work on my cable management and clean things up a bit. I also had to Jerry-rig the legs on my exhaust bowl so my elbow would fit. Nothing like so old lath board and zip ties!


--- Quote from: wideasleep1 on February 07, 2015, 05:51:38 PM ---OUTSTANDING!  8)

That J-pipe is what has me on hold for my first station is the gas range, and there's no clearance to fit the pipe into the vent bowl and have any chance to collect chaff the usual way..pipe wants to bottom out. I'm determined to eliminate that J-pipe altogether..and my airplane ducting arrived today, so I'm at least closer...congrats!

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Ha ha, my wife came out, saw the lath I used to raise the bowl, shook her head and said "you're such a farm kid!" I guess ya never out grow the "fix it and get to work" mentality.  ;D


--- Quote from: wideasleep1 on February 07, 2015, 06:05:54 PM ---Ha! I use zip-ties for things because duct tape is ugly! A friend complained his new headboard didn't fit or bolt to his bed frame. I zip-tied it! Huzzah!

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I jacked up the vent bowl and the roaster, otherwise the j pipe sets in too deep.
Used 2x4 scraps for the roaster and cut bowl legs with a hole saw; same wood.


--- Quote from: hankua on February 08, 2015, 01:24:42 AM ---I jacked up the vent bowl and the roaster, otherwise the j pipe sets in too deep.
Used 2x4 scraps for the roaster and cut bowl legs with a hole saw; same wood.

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Nice! I feel like inventing solutions to problems is part of the home roasting experience.


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