Author Topic: #1110 has Landed!  (Read 5155 times)

Offline yukoncornelius

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#1110 has Landed!
« on: September 01, 2016, 07:15:32 PM »
Well.... the Huky arrived today - super fast shipping quite honestly.  I ended up ordering the J model and have just a few questions.  For the digital ET thermocouple, I screwed it in until it was tight... but boy, there is a very small amount of clearance between the probe tip and the vanes of the drum (all probes have very small clearance, I guess thats by design).

When preheating, do I preheat with the funnel just sitting on top of the chute?  Then I load the beans, attach the piping and showtime. 

Looking at the picture below, just want to verify some stuff  I used 2 long screws to attach the fan to the exhaust hood (I have 2 extra).  I'm not sure what the 4 small screws are for?  The lubricant - I'm guessing that is for attaching the gas hose?  The clamps are for the hose attaching to the regulator and stove, right?

The piping - do I have this configured properly?  I think it was the only way that enabled the pipe to fit flush on top of the chute, and also fit inside the funnel I have in the exhaust hood/fan/tray assembly.  edit: looking at Mr Li's video, I believe this is correct however I'm not sure what the right tightness is on the set screw - in his video he seems to have a nice sliding action on the wooden piece. edit: since I have another fan, I believe at roast end I don't even need to remove the piping (like Mr li does in the video) as it will be in the dedicated exhaust fan...and then I put my cooling fan under the drum door.  So that said I'll tighten the set screw until I have a good level height with the piping attached to the chute. 

Any other tips?  I'm gonna buy the propane tank tomorrow.  Its a long holiday weekend and I have a new toy, wooooooooo!

Offline edtbjon

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  • Charge Weight : 300-400g
Re: #1110 has Landed!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 09:37:24 PM »
Fast shipping is always appreciated! "Happy happy joy joy..."
A quick note about the preheat stage. You should preheat the "whole" system, i.e do preheat with the exhaust attached to the roaster. Else that will "steal" heat during the first roast. It's not only the coffee that wants to catch up with the rest of the system...
With the J pipe I used to just lift the pipe away to clean the sieve etc. I didn't really move the sliding fit (with the wooden handle).
Now, dare I roast even lighter?

Offline thusband

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Re: #1110 has Landed!
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2016, 04:25:54 AM »
Like edtbjon I heat up my Huky with everything attached.  I have the fan set so there is a neutral air flow.  When I'm ready to charge I quickly remove the pipe and and replace with the funnel, charge and the do the reverse.

I'm not sure about your two extra screws. 

The lubricant is for the two ceramic drum bearings in the front and rear.  Just a little dab will do you.

Yes, the clamps are for the gas connections.










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