Forum > Introduce Yourself

Hello from South Korea!


Hey, everyone.

My fiance and I have just placed our order for the Huky 500T and are very excited to start learning the trade and roasting. We've been digging around different forums and are especially excited to take advantage of having such a seemingly tight and dedicated community to tap into, and to hopefully be able to offer up our findings to the discussions. We are both currently in English Education here in Seoul, but have the dream of one day owning our own roasterie cafe. We've been told by friends who have been roasting for quite some time that the Huky is a very solid purchase in terms of learning, potential quality, and longevity. We appreciate being welcomed here into the community and have our sights set on making awesome coffee!


Chris and Ashley

Welcome to the Forum. You will find all the help you need here.  Congrats and look forward to hearing about your first roast.  Cheers.   :)

Welcome  ;D

Hi Chris and Ashley

I was wondering how the roasting was going or if you had a lot of time to commit to the craft as of yet. I just picked mine up yesterday and still going through set up and research before I start my first batch.



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