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Artisan 1.1 has been released.

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Well, my dedicated roasting computer is about to become a teenager (i.e it was made about 13 years ago...). The only way of getting it to work in a bearable way is to run a lightweight Linux, as even a fresh install of WinXP is as slow as molasses running uphill in wintertime. BUT, it does get less noice from the USB ports (compared to my modern laptop), which is important for Artisan.
I guess that 1.0 is good enough for a while, so there's hope...
I'll try convincing Marko not to let go of the Linux builds for a while yet, else I have to find a good stable cheap computer to replace my "old Bertha".

Well, I wouldn't worry.  Marko adds this:

As far as I heard v1.1 works for most Linux users. Just some strange configuration (something with the GUI setup; maybe too new systems) fail.

I only run Linux on all my non-Apple computers so I hope this platform is supported in future.

No problem as long as you stick with Artisan 1.0

As you can see from this post at H-B, Marko has other fish to fry:


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