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Since you use the Phidget, do you just use the computer for temperatures or do you also have the temperature gauges connected to see the temps. while roasting. I wasn't sure if it be easier to just use the computer or also look at the Amprobe/Center.

As Susan and Hank says, there are quite a few solutions to choose from. Using a laptop with Artisan is an excellent way to view and record your roasts.
If you do feel a need for a temp meter, either as an emergency meter if your PC fails or for other uses, e.g. a Center meter is a good choice. If you plan for a relatively fixed setup with your roasting station, a Phidget 1048 is very reliable and battery independent (USB-powered). (Again there are other brands of temp meters, which are as good as or better than the Center.)
I do have both solutions at hand, as I started out with a Center 301, but had some trouble with signal noice which is why I bought a Phidget. (That didn't solve my problems, but that is another story...) The Phidget have never failed me in the three years I've used it.

While roasting, it's better to have as few focal points as possible. The temperatures are usually displayed (to the right of the live graph) on the computer screen, which in my mind is better than having to look at the meter for reading the temp(s).

In short, if you're ordering a roaster from Mr Li and want to use a separate meter, the Center 30X (choose 1, 2 or 4 channel) is a good choice. Do include the USB cable from Mr Li, as it works...
Else you can go the Phidget way and order a Phidget from their website (include a casing).


--- Quote from: Iroast on July 20, 2017, 07:53:49 AM ---Susan,
Since you use the Phidget, do you just use the computer for temperatures or do you also have the temperature gauges connected to see the temps. while roasting. I wasn't sure if it be easier to just use the computer or also look at the Amprobe/Center.

--- End quote ---

I have a cheap dedicated laptop with Artisan on it that I use to visualize the progress of the roast.  I like seeing the profile develop on the screen and the progressed lines that indicate where it is going. 

I make most of my decisions based on the projections. (Tools > Extras > Graph > Projections (Linear)


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