Forum > Beans

Anyone have a favorite bean that they go back to time and time again?


Just curious to see what people like roasting with.  Also, I'd like to know where you get your beans from. Lastly, what's your preferred brew method with that bean? 

Happy Thursday!

I really like ethiopian naturals fron the yirgacheffe region as espresso... so full of life and uniqueness to them compared to washed ones. Plus they are pretty small with high density meaning they're relatively easy to roast :-) Im very fortunate to buy from local roasteries. I know the quality and potential is there compared to buying some old shit that has sat in a warehouse for years at worst lol

3 years ago I got Ethiopian Gedeo Zone gedeb asasa (IDK how to spell) when I first started and it was the best coffee ive gotten from my popper, just got it this last season and couldn't replicate it. Will have to wait till next season now to try and get that perfect cup again.


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