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Why Choose a Huky?

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Quickie backgrounder:
About a decade ago, I decided to try my hand at espresso and espresso-based drinks, acquiring a Silvia and Mazzer Mini timer. As one soon discovered, fresh beans (roast date) were uncommon, and this led to an interest in roasting. After melting a popper, I bought an iRoast (RIP), and perfected, given its constraints, air roasts. Led to an iRoast2, partly for more profiling but also to do back-to-back batches for volume.  Desire for volume roasting led to a build of 'SC/TO' stir-crazy popper with a turbo oven on top, heavily modified to stir at roasting temps. Air/fluid bed still didn't give me the depth and complexity I sought, and Behmor was on the horizon, and moved to that upon release, off the very first pallet. That roaster has served me very well for the past 6 years, after what can be described as a long learning curve of nearly a year. Again, constraints and requirements affect results. Once the roaster is mastered, it is easy to reproduce great roasts that have more depth and complexity I sought versus air roasting. After a conversation with roastmaster, I learned about the impact a true drum can have on the roast and flavor profile. True drum roasters are quite expensive, and aren't kitchen appliances by any account, and require a great deal of accomodation in space, energy and effluent. It was clear I wanted a VERY small 'mini-me' drum roaster, and choices began to be emerge: Quest and HUKY. I followed the Quest for a bit, but ultimately decided I wanted even more control over the heat reactions than an electric roaster could provide. Consequently, HUKY became more viable as a candidate, and seemed to check nearly all of my requirement boxes.

As I followed user experiences, some movement in organizing a group buy gave me the final push to get serious and upgrade from my Behmor (ironically my 6 year old Behmor fried its mobo after I decided to get a HUKY..jealous?). I joined the Green Coffee Buyers Club's (GCBC) group buy round 1, and still await my HUKY delivery...Mr. Li has just updated and shipped round 1 today (1/15), so 5 machines were built in two weeks, when we finalized our orders (1/1/2015). Can't wait to join the experiences you current owners enjoy..and looking forward to new dimensions in my cup! :)

welcome.  I think you will enjoy your Huky.  I sure like mine.

Welcome!! You will have a very capable machine.. It's really crazy how much better my Huky is than my Behmor... Enjoy!

Thanks 454 and 457! 8)

Johnny..did you find the learning curve a bit daunting moving from Behmor, and how long did your Behmor incarceration last? :)

dickcoffee..what was your prior roaster, and is/was the move to HUKY challenging? (realizing HUKY is a bit new to us all...)


--- Quote from: wideasleep1 on January 15, 2015, 02:53:56 PM ---Thanks 454 and 457! 8)

Johnny..did you find the learning curve a bit daunting moving from Behmor, and how long did your Behmor incarceration last? :)

dickcoffee..what was your prior roaster, and is/was the move to HUKY challenging? (realizing HUKY is a bit new to us all...)

--- End quote ---
I actually went from Behmor to the hottop.. Neither of those taught me how to roast... I've learned how to roast on my Huky... Simple as that. It's a machine.. The others are toys


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