Author Topic: Cammie is here as well!  (Read 6290 times)


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Cammie is here as well!
« on: January 28, 2015, 11:09:17 PM »

Hello Everyone, Cammie here.  Susan and I bought our Hukys together several months ago.  I got in a couple of roasts on the Huky, without data logging, before a health issue placed me on the roasting sidelines.  My intention for buying the Huky was to evaluate whether I liked gas roasting before investing in an even larger gas roaster.

I usually roast using a 1 kilo electric roaster and a Quest M3.  Both of these roasters will always keepers for me.  I rarely data log and prefer roasting using my senses. But, I do plan to play with Roastmaster a bit when I get back to the Huky.

With the Huky purchase, my strategy was to buy every option so I could play with the various parameters.  I have a working hypothesis that the optimum Huky set-up/parameters will be dependent on the type and condition of the beans I choose to roast.  So, I'm going to test this hypothesis by varying the set-up, motors and drums.

Currently, my Huky is set up with a cyclone just like Susan's.  And, my brother-in-law reworked my LP gas line (I am trying to get him to document the fittings, etc so I can share the info with other Huky owners).  He also brought over some ducting last weekend so I think he is ready to help me set up the original vent bowl option to determine which configuration I like best.

Thanks for setting up this forum.  I think the Huky is a quality roaster that provides versatility and options at a very reasonable price.

Offline Gregr

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  • Solid or Perf: Solid
  • Serial Number: 275
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  • Charge Weight : 454
Re: Cammie is here as well!
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 05:30:41 AM »
Welcome Cammie- glad to have you here :)
Huky, Pasquini G4, Compak K10










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