Author Topic: Any thoughts on this roast graph?  (Read 20905 times)

Offline edtbjon

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Re: Any thoughts on this roast graph?
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2017, 02:54:45 AM »
There's a lot of different opinions on the various approaches available. I guess me and Hank are "the Champions" :) for a low charge temp. But it all depends on what you want to achieve.
Even though the drying phase is the least significant part of the roast, it is still important to get it right. E.g no or little airflow will help in keeping some water in the beans as long as possible, which helps in the coming Maillard processes.
For myself, I usually get to DE (150C300F) at around 6 minutes, which some consider "longish", but again, that doesn't really matter compared to the fact that I in the last minute or so of the drying phase part of the roast can set up the heat for the rest of the roast. Anyhow, I usually get my FCs (start of First Crack) at around 10.00 or so. These are just numbers and it's really all about the result in the cup.
For me personally, this approach have given me good control for the rest of the roast and more importantly, IMO much better coffee. Now, I usually roast rather light roasts, but if I go into FC with a little bit more heat, it's easy to use the same (similar) approach for mid or dark roasts too.
Compare if you will with driving uphill in a car trying to get a smooth stop at the very top. At some points you let go of the accelerator, so that you don't overshoot the top of that hill (i.e the end of the roast).

Now, dare I roast even lighter?

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Re: Any thoughts on this roast graph?
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2017, 06:38:59 PM »
Everyone has their own "in-between" routine, mine is to pre-weigh greens in 44oz drink cups with peel off labels (on painters tape). I have separate roasted 44oz cups and transfer the labels with the relevant data written in.

For the cool down in between roasts it seems there are two choices; cool down with the air fan or open the drop door w/fan.

Getting to first crack earlier is just a profile change. I think using a high ROR is a better method, instead of charging high then using a lower gas setting. My observations so far, looks like a little more air drives the ROR higher.

A natural Ethiopian would be a good contender to try out with the fast profile, and drop at the end of 1C for a first run.

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Re: Any thoughts on this roast graph?
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2017, 06:53:10 PM »
E.g no or little airflow will help in keeping some water in the beans as long as possible, which helps in the coming Maillard processes.
For myself, I usually get to DE (150C300F) at around 6 minutes, which some consider "longish", but again, that doesn't really matter compared to the fact that I in the last minute or so of the drying phase part of the roast can set up the heat for the rest of the roast.

I agree. I was watching Mill City roaster videos this morning and they said the same thing, that moisture is driven off of the bean with the use of airflow. Too much air flow can remove vital moisture that the bean needs for proper Maillard development. You will also run into the issue of under developing the inner bean. Im guessing charging low may also add to that preservation of moisture.

What Iam aiming for is a well developed inner bean, preserving the coffees inherit qualities of sweetness and complexity. Learn the practices that prevent baking and roast flavors and achieve a declining Rate of Rise. Most of my coffee will be a Light roast.

You also mentioned that this approach to roasting can also be the method for med and dark roast coffee. I agree, I talked to a roaster in my community that said the same thing.

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Re: Any thoughts on this roast graph?
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2017, 09:57:42 AM »

E.g no or little airflow will help in keeping some water in the beans as long as possible, which helps in the coming Maillard processes.
For myself, I usually get to DE (150C300F) at around 6 minutes, which some consider "longish", but again, that doesn't really matter compared to the fact that I in the last minute or so of the drying phase part of the roast can set up the heat for the rest of the roast.

Interesting...I have become a creature of habit with DE phase and haven't varied it much lately.  Will try lower airflow lower heat to mix it up.
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