Forum > Beans

Any deals on 50# bags of coffee out there?

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I ordered my Huky yesterday and was planning on buying a 50# bag of beans to have plenty to test with. I've been buying 5# at a time and roasting on my air roaster for a few years now. 5# seems to be what we go through in a month. Anyways, for the question. I've been looking at bags of Ethiopian Coffee on sites like coffee shrub and La Bodega. Looks like a 50# works out to be about $270. The ones i was buying before were Ethiopian Limu Coffee from Amazon. Ajuvo World Market has had a 20% discount for several months now. I could buy 10 of the 5# bags for around $240. Question- are there a difference in quality of beans? Should I be paying more on the other sites for a better bean? I have no way or really telling whats good or not. Thanks

Coffee Shrub is a good start.  You can also call Tracy at Bodhi Leaf.  Cheers.  :)

These are only 22# offerings, but the Royal Crown Jewels are definitely high quality

thanks. I guess what I'll probably do is buy some cheap beans to get practice on the roaster and then get some of the higher quality ones once I almost know what I'm doing. I'd hate to screw up some expensive beans. So a 22# box should work out for my future self to use. thanks.


--- Quote from: jasonclick on July 11, 2017, 08:18:31 AM ---thanks. I guess what I'll probably do is buy some cheap beans to get practice on the roaster and then get some of the higher quality ones once I almost know what I'm doing. I'd hate to screw up some expensive beans. So a 22# box should work out for my future self to use. thanks.

--- End quote ---

That's always an interesting topic for discussion.  I think roasting low quality beans will yield a low quality cup no matter how well you roast it.  Hard to garner much information from that process.  I would at least use decent quality beans so you have something drinkable and gives a better gauge on how you're progressing.  I don't think the price differential is going to be that different.


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