Forum > Roasting

Warped Stovetop from Used Huky + Missing Power Cord

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Hey all!

I recently bought a used T, and I have a few questions.

* It came with two exhaust bowls, instead of one fan and one bowl. Am I correct in that the exhaust bowl sits higher, thus making it too tall to drop the beans into the tray? Is there any reason why it would've come with two bowls?
* The shipper forgot to send me the power cord with it. Would you happen to know where I could get a replacement, outside of requesting Mr. Li to ship one from Taiwan?
* The stovetop appears to have been warped during shipping. Because of this, the roaster is quite unstable. Has any one else dealt with this? I can't test it until a power cord arrives, but my assumption is that it's going to shake around like a poorly loaded washing machine
* I wasn't expecting the IR burner to be tilted at such a steep angle. Is there a reason why it's tilted like this?
* Is there standard maintenance that you'd recommend I do before getting started?
I've uploaded a few videos of the instability on youtube:

Thanks in advance!

Are all of the rubber feet on your huky?

Yes, the roaster seems to be lacking a couple of rubber feet.
For the cooling tray fan, the difference between a normal fan stand and the exhaust bowl is about 1/4". The easiest way to fix this is to rise the heater by that height... Now, the reason for using two exhaust bowls is the idea that the cooling fan will drag some smoke into the roasting space, so if you can duct it out you don't get smell contamination in your roasting space. But that amount of smoke is very minimal, you will probably get some "aromas" in your roasting space anyhow, which is why I personally only use the single exhaust bowl.
If you mean the cord between the 24V DC converter to the wall socket, that is a standard cord which you can find just about anywhere where they sell electrics/electronics. Else, if that converter is missing, you can probably find such a piece too. I found similar converters on the Internet from a company selling replacement converters for inkjet printers and laptop computer chargers. It's 24V/2A.

Tilted IR burner??? I don't see what you mean.

Anyhow, you can get a new set of feet from Mr Li. If you want to use the cooling fan without the exhaust bowl, a more simple tripod will cost a dollar or two. (The set of rubber feet will probably cost something similar.)

I've written a maintainence document which can be found in the Downloads section. Link here.


--- Quote from: afelli on July 19, 2017, 09:05:48 PM ---Hey all!

I recently bought a used T, and I have a few questions.

* It came with two exhaust bowls, instead of one fan and one bowl. Am I correct in that the exhaust bowl sits higher, thus making it too tall to drop the beans into the tray? Is there any reason why it would've come with two bowls?
* The shipper forgot to send me the power cord with it. Would you happen to know where I could get a replacement, outside of requesting Mr. Li to ship one from Taiwan?
* The stovetop appears to have been warped during shipping. Because of this, the roaster is quite unstable. Has any one else dealt with this? I can't test it until a power cord arrives, but my assumption is that it's going to shake around like a poorly loaded washing machine
* I wasn't expecting the IR burner to be tilted at such a steep angle. Is there a reason why it's tilted like this?
* Is there standard maintenance that you'd recommend I do before getting started?
I've uploaded a few videos of the instability on youtube:

Thanks in advance!

--- End quote ---

You say you got two exhaust bowls instead of a bowl and a fan?  Does that mean you didn't get a fan? Does that mean you didn't get two fans?

Why can't 'the shipper' forward you the power cord you need if in fact he 'forgot'?

The stove could not 'warp' during shipping;  could you post a picture of the top of the stove?  There should be corner supports that the HUKY feet sit on. Some people remove those rubber feet anyway.

I have attached 5 photos showing the damage.

A few notes:
1.) The huky has all 4 feet.
2.) The stovetop is flat between three of the corners, and one corner is bent up about 1cm. You can see the steel 'ribboning' as a result of the bending. It looks like it was damaged during shipping - probably dropped.
3.) I've asked the seller to try to find the power cord, with no luck so far.
4.) it came with two exhaust bowls + fan. So, two bowls, two fans. Basically, they have the bean-cooling fan with a bowl underneath, which I wasn't expecting
5.) The tilt of the IR burner - I'm referring to the fact that the burner itself is mounted on a bracket, which makes it tilt ~10degrees instead of pointing directly up when placed on top of a table. Is this expected?

The first four photos ("Huky Warp 2-5") below will show the four corners of the IR stove. You will see that three of the corners make contact with the tray, meaning it's flat, where one corner "lifts up" due to the warping that I am speaking of.

"Huky Warp 1" photo shows that all 4 feet are still on the Huky.

I think the obvious plan moving forward is
1.) Determine, either from Hukyforum or contacting Mr. Li, what power source I need to drive the 48RPM motor and
2.) Buy a new IR stove

Does anyone have a link for where to buy a replacement power cable? I see that it's 24V and 2A; but, I'm not sure if the AC waveform is different in the US and Taiwan, if a converter is needed, and what exact connection it needs on the huky-end.



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