Forum > Beans

Honey Processed Coffee

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Hey guys, this is my first post. While at the SCAA Expo this year I tried a variety of coffees, most were not terribly memorable (I told one roaster his roast was "underdeveloped" which was not taken too well😆). One coffee that did stand out was a "honey processed" coffee.  It was apparently an espresso blend and was brewed via pour over. I was not told whether the entire blend was honey processed or wether there was only one honey processed coffee. The taste was... amazing! The depth and complexity, the strong undertone of sweetness, I've never been one for coffee tasting terminology, but this coffee deserved no less. Has anyone had experience with buying/roasting "honey processed" coffee?

Funny you mentioned the coffee at the SCAA. On Rao's latest blog, he talked about the irony of having difficulty finding good coffee during the event. His observations are similar to yours, with lots of underdeveloped, burnt, or baked coffee.

Id be interested as well in honey processed as I have zero experience in this area.

Thank you for bringing this up.

What IS Honey Processed Coffee????

Its been a while since I read up on it, but I think it essentially is dry processed coffee. I think there are three types: Black Honey, Red Honey, and Yellow Honey. The darker the honey color the longer the fruit was left out to dry.

Yellow - 1 week
Red - 2-4weeks
Black - >4 weeks

if you guys wanna try some has some for 5 bucks with free shipping on more than 2 lbs.


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